Ford’s austerity policies in the beginning of his term has hurt healthcare workers.


Resources that should have been available to protect staff were little to none.

Now Ford gov is scrambling to spend those exact resources the union and allies were advocating for 2/n
Unfortunately spending on healthcare isn’t the only example.

Like in education & other industries, Ford has cut resources and spending & his gov has ignored the pleas from unions

Yet these are the workers in the frontline. These are the workers whom we thank. 3/n
This isn’t leadership to me.

That is just acting without thinking long term impact.

That’s not leadership. 4/4
Also before Twitter comes after me for Marie Henein/Ghomeshi: I won’t comment on it b/c I don’t have the lived experience nor knowledge to assess it.

This thread is in relation to the Doug Ford article. Any admiration is re: Henein’s skills w the Rules of Evidence as a law nerd
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