I absolutely support extended lockdown. I'm not a mental health professional but here are some things I tell to my people to soothe them when they feel 'stuck' at home.
1. You're not stuck at home- you're getting a well deserved break! Try to accept lockdowns gracefully- they're for your own benefit. It's the new normal, get used to living this way. You're not running behind time- we are all in this together!
2. Stop watching news channels. Your anxiety is directly proportional to the number of people infected or dead. So, just stop it if you can't take it. Instead, watch classic movies and TV serials that're coming on Doordarshan। They're gold!
4. Practice social distancing but be socially connected. Talk to that college friend you lost touch with over time. Call your mother-in-law and tease her. It's time to freshen up relations!
5. Follow a daily fixed routine to beat laziness. Wake up at a fixed time. Sleep at a fixed time. Excercise daily for a few minutes. Stretch your body. Take long warm baths. Pamper yourself. Paint your nails.Try meditation- YouTube has lots of guided meditation videos!
6. Let your creativity run wild! Make cute cloth masks at home with buttons and sequins. Make that dish you've wanted to try. Indulge yourself in gardening. Pick up crayons and ruin your children's colouring books. Share it here! Pick a hobby and let yourself be!
7. Consult a mental health professional if you feel depressed, unproductive or anxious. Many people feel this way in isolation. There are plenty of helplines in India for this purpose. Don't be hesitant to call them. They're here to help you.
You can follow @drkamnakakkar.
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