a few ways you can help the environment!
1- Use reusable bags instead of plastic.

This is super important, as regular plastic bags take a while to decompose, plus they can suffocate animals that mistake them for food. Try to keep a few of them in places you would grab them from, like a counter or in your car.
2- Recycle

This goes without saying, but it is a better option than just throwing it away. By being recycled, the plastic gets reused and marked differently. But, most people don’t do it, and it ends up creating more greenhouse gases and destroys the environment.
3- Save Water!

This one is super easy, and it helps save a lot of water. Whenever you aren’t using it, turn it completely off. An example of this is when you are brushing your teeth. Only use water when wearing your toothbrush and rinsing it out. It helps save our ecosystem.
4- Avoid taking Cars/Carpool

This one helps out a lot with greenhouse gases, as cars emit CO2 (carbon dioxide). That CO2 goes up into the atmosphere and converts into greenhouse gases, which harm our ozone layer. So, try and reduce this by riding bikes or carpooling when need be
5- Use energy efficient lights

This is one of the most important ones as most people don’t do this. Using electricity require the use of fossil fuels, which are harmful to the environment. If you use energy efficient lights, it’ll decrease the impact of the fossil fuels.
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