The way Inslee is handling the pandemic in Washington sure makes it seem like the Bernie-and-Warren-are-too-scary crowd picked the wrong horse.
What I find so deflating about the Biden nomination is not his ideology, but the fact that so many Democrats who don't really like him were convinced he's the safe pick, when plenty of other folks who weren't calling for democratic socialism looked much stronger.
There's something really frightening happening within the party -- not leadership or the establishment but with voters -- where they don't believe good things are possible and become enamored with things they know to be bad.
Everyone saw Biden on the debate stage, they know the problem, but I think that somehow became a selling point for the party faithful. And I don't know what can be done about it.
It's not just 2020 stuff. Democrats are really into Cuomo right now even though any cursory examination of what he did to prepare for and combat the pandemic shows that he got a lot of people killed. Meanwhile Inslee is doing a great job and nobody seems to notice or care.
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