Our @realDonaldTrump really needs a good strategy team by his side to decide how to move forward. I would like to be bold enough to recommend an ATG strategy. #Thread
States have governors and individual constitutions. As @GavinNewsom reminded everyone THEY are a nation state. The news are riddled with Governors that are drink on power and the ability to make decisions that benefit their people.
That in itself is dangerous but also a blessing. @RichardGrenell obviously knows that best right now. T
The interests that are playing on a state level are insane. Lots of money being exchanged and lots of dystopian actions. For the example:
California is rewarding people with cash to be a Karen and tell on people .
Pennsylvania must have given great liberties to law enforcement because they are forcibly removing people off public transit without masks ... Even people with scarves that can't afford or have access to a mask.
Minnesota is doxxing covid 19 positive patients letting certain groups of people know where they live. Which means Gov. walz put a Target on their back for violence uptick and possibly deadly attacks on people that test positive.
People are going nuts looking to tell, arrest or cause harm to people who are not following orders. #Dystopian they are so insane they can't even tell they are being trolled with responses. #GestapoApp
Test Governor of ND @DougBurgum who's a Gates guy having sold his company to Gates with his name still attached is pushing Chinese tech of social credit score monitoring by giving each resident of ND a Risk Score by deeming their compliance to his mandates a guideline
I can go on and on.
Therefore the best way to decide is to let the governors decide. You @realDonaldTrump give them the right to decide for their own states.... BUT
The Federal and they are entitled to is dependent on their actions. If they are violating constitutional rights of persons the federal government will sue them.
Right @RudyGiuliani ?
If they don't allow us to send third party (I volunteer) to investigate the deaths claims as Covid as valid they don't get any of the $100 BIL the corrupt house and Senate promised them.
If they have civil unrest only if the people demand the federal government come in ...we will come and help and by default impeaching the sitting governor and restoring order and putting up elections.
Sometimes the best way to respond is to let them pull their own pants down.
Let's honor each states choice of governor so they can see them for who they really are... Let there be light!
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