It’s been 6 weeks since my first #covid19symptoms I know I was searching for others who have gone through the same so thought I would share our #covid19 story.
Our symptoms started at the end of February our whole house fell poorly with a sight fever, headaches like I’ve never felt before and general aches and lethargy. This was before the UK were concerned about the #CoronovirusPandemic
My husband and daughter (7) started to feel better after 3 day’s and returned to work (we had no idea it was covid19). Both myself and son (10) started getting more breathless and generally feeling like we couldn’t take a full breath. This was when I found @richisalsohere
He was also suffering from the same symptoms and was confirmed #covid19positive. I phoned 111 who sent us to urgent care but didn’t suspect covid19 as we hadn’t have a travel history!!! After 10 day’s we weren’t improving so went to the Dr who suspected #covid19
We were sent away as it’s a virus and there is no treatment, by now I was terrified that we might never get better. We rested for the following week not able to do anything without gasping for air. By now I was getting desperate after 3 weeks of feeling awful
The Dr prescribed antibiotics incase we had a secondary pneumonia. After 42 days we are both finally feeling better but still have shortness of breath if we do too much. We were never tested and just hope that our lungs continue to recover.
we can only assume based on the symptoms that we have now recovered from the virus. It’ll be good to know with an antibody test. I’ve never been poorly quite like it and am usually fit and healthy , no underlying conditions and normal weight. Oscar is a fit 10 year old boy
If this can knock us off our feet for 6 weeks I can only imagine how serious it can quickly become.

#covid19uk #mycovidstory #covid19recovery
You can follow @BeccaSews.
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