There is a shocking lack of empathy in how we talk about art. There has been for years. That one Tumblr post isn't indicative of anything but the dehumanized, morally superior, completely unsympathetic way we view art and artists as moral arbiters who do our thinking for us
But that's a big issue here, for me

We look to media to teach us to feel, as if the people in our lives teach us nothing. As if our world teaches us nothing. As if everything is a sterile thought experiment meant to instill moral lessons

We look to art and media for that
And so there is no feeling in how we talk about art and media, because art and media is completely divorced from humanity

It's just a box that spits out lessons

It isn't human, or made by human hands, or shaped by human experiences

It's a cold teaching object
And if the object fails to produce the necessary outcome -- to teach a lesson, to ensure comfort, to describe simple morality for the benefit of the audience -- somebody has to pay

Because otherwise you would have to sit with your feelings
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