there’s an a zombie virus outbreak.
the president is dead.
it’s now every man for themselves.

you need to stock up on food.
where are you going first?
what are you using to get there?
what 2 things are you getting in bulk?
oh no. you come across a K*ren while trying to get food supplies. she tells you that she needs the food in your trolley more than you do.
if you didn’t leave without your supplies that’s on you.
it’s time to stock up on weapons and ammunition.
what are you choosing?
ok it’s time to stock up on meds, first aid kits and allathat.
where are you going?
ok, now that you’ve got everything, it’s time to actually go bc things are getting more dangerous by the second.
where are you going?
eish, your tyre burst on the way to your destination. you get out to quickly change it.
while you’re changing it, you see a zombie down the road.
how do you kill it?
if you decided to shoot it, eish.
you’ve now managed to attract every zombie with a 10km radius.
you finally make it to your destination.
what is the first thing you do?
alright, everything and everyone is fine... for now.
you decide to make yourself supper, but then you hear someone shouting for help.
you stop what you’re doing and peak through the front door.
someone is about to be eaten by zombies down the road.
well, this person made it inside your house regardless of your choice.
your s/o makes them tea and you start to check if they’ve been bitten.
they seem fine, just a little shaken up.
you all eat supper and decide to go to bed.
it’s 2 AM and you hear screaming next to you.
what’s the first thing you do?
ah! you wake up to see the person you saved earlier that evening biting your s/o.
clearly they didn’t tell you that they were bitten. they turned into a zombie in their sleep.

it’s time for them to go.
how do you kill them?
your s/o has been bitten.
eish y’all are buzzkills 😔 the thread is done i guess 😣😔
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