93% of our inmates are male. 90% grew up without a father.

Single mom households are 5x as likely to be living in poverty.

Do you know how we can reduce crime & poverty?

By society re-affirming the importance of men & fathers and their contributions to the family & household.
How do we do that?

First, stop the anti-male propaganda. We must spread awareness about how important men & fathers are.

Second, start young. Male dominated jobs are disappearing so we HAVE to adequately prepare our boys for the future; stop the shaming & encourage boys, too!
Third, we’ve had a significant role reversal in families. We’re busy blaming & shaming men into changing gender expectations for themselves & women, but we have to teach WOMEN that THEIR expectations for men must adjust in our modern world.

Can’t have their cake and eat it, too!
Fourth, men and women aren’t exactly the same. There are differences and we should embrace them. If we acknowledge these differences, we can move forward from there.

Fifth, we must address the bias in family court. Dads matter, too!

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