fav for some puns. hill areas puns.
i buy my guns from a guy named T-REX. he's a small arms dealer.
do dogs look at police dogs and be like oh no its the cops
the past, present and future walked into a bar. it was tense
be careful when you follow the masses. sometimes the m is silent.
the amount of people who confuse 'to' and 'too' is amazing two me
do clouds ever look down on us and say that one is shaped like an idiot
a car's weakest part is a nut holding the steering wheel
frog parking only. others will be toad.
everytime i try to eat something healthy, a chocolate looks at me and snickers
i hate this snow.
no....wait, i love this snow.
bi polar bear
these cashiers around here are always checking me out.
to the person who stole my anti-depressants, i hope you're happy
optometrists live longer because they dilate.
drink an alphabet soup, have a vowel movement.
i looked up opaque. the definition wasn't very clear.
the only thing flat-earthers have to fear is sphere itself.
reading while sunbathing makes you well, red.
i can tell if people are judgemental just by looking at them
Pollen: when flowers cant keep it in their plants
i ordered a chicken and an egg off the internet to see which comes first
what happens when you eat aluminium foil? you sheet metal.
this is my step ladder. i never knew my real ladder.
my friend david had his ID stolen now he's just dav
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