When the Cabals been defeated by our GREAT #POTUS @realDonaldTrump with all the Patriots, soon we will become a Galactic Civilisation, so many good things are waiting, but first people need to accept and handle the truth. #WWG1WGA #TrustThePlan #GodWins https://twitter.com/iLegendFantasy/status/1246812016284557313?s=20
For the #POTUS @realDonaldTrump and all the #Patriots, together, we fight for all, for all those people died by Cabal! For a better tomorrow!
The Infinite Creator, The One, We Are One.
God is not a religion, it’s the fundmental of everything, the law of the entire universe, God is real, it’s a fact. (Page1)
Secret Space Program TR series Craft https://twitter.com/On_Sanmaya_stbn/status/1252560270032900102?s=19
David Wilcock 4/22: Wikileaks Dumps ALL Files!
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