1) The second a nurse kills a patient with a gov't-sponsored respirator they will never question covid-19. It's no different than giving a circumcision, or a vaccine. The front line victims right now are nurses. They will help this evil spread by trying to cope with the trauma...
2) They will cling to procedures as a lifeline and the situation will grow worse as their minds close more for protection. No one signs up to be a nurse to hurt people. Discovering they were duped into governmental 9/11 homicide is completely unacceptable to their adrenals...
3) There is no going back from this ritual. Here's yet another doctor sounding the alarm. How many more do we need? Nurses need our help. We have to make following procedures expensive. It's the only way.
4) We have to break this Quarantine. This is a zionist spell of pure evil. We have to fight it with courage and sacrifice. We have to make it expensive to support the Quarantine. Every. Day.
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