You have two specific problems. First, popular science writing is really hard and there aren't lots of people that do it and do it well. If I ran a major publication I would call up some of the top flight popular science outlets and writers and strike deals to get 1/n
Them on my payroll, short term joint venture, whatever. The major publications simply don't have the expertise. Biggest story of the year and you have no one in house that can write in an knowledgeable manner on the topic? Go get them. This gets to the second issue 2/n
Many of the issues are very specialized even to specialists. In many of these issues there are a very small number of people that can really speak to an issue and on issues like this, these people aren't on Twitter. Take a simple example. The FDA had very strict drug 3/n
Trial protocols for new uses of a drug. They are different whether it is a normal trial or under accelerated circumstances. If you are going to do good reporting here you can't just find someone on Twitter, but you need someone that knows about that very specialized system 4/n
Rather than throwing your Broadway musical beat writer into that crazy world, call up one of the trade publications in DC that handle that very specialized area and cut a deal with them to get actually good reporting on a very arcane, specialized issue, that for once 5/n
Really really matters and is getting a lot if attention. Again, this isn't a partisan issue but 110% about getting the details, facts, challenges right. There work that is being done now just isn't good.
I should say, this is why do many people going to alternative publications that cover the nitty gritty of the issues rather than what is being churned out in major outlets. Science focused outlets don't vastly superior job
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