The privileged ones who’s social behavior was adjusted by access to university where they learnt the theories they boast about can’t fathom ignorence of anyone who’s behavior hasn’t been adjusted.

They arrogantly and condescendingly use big terms to prove that they are smarter
None of the woke squad could have a conversation with anyone that (arrogantly) defends what they know to be true. We the educated are the reason those that don’t know any better will never adjust.

We converse in clicks, while the great majority speak up and do so openly.
We pride ourselves in being worldly forgetting that for the most us, this acceptable behavior was adjusted a few years ago. We are the brutal police of the ignorant.

If anything we are more vile and do far more damage than we are willing to admit.
We love preaching to the choir. We love the sound of clinging fingers and approvals of those that agree with us.
But guess what?...the majority continues while we sit in little venues discussing theories while drinking wine.

They remain as we once were.
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