So it appears the way covid kills is by causing vasoconstriction in the pulmonary capillaries. This increases the pressure in them, causing them to breach and leak fluid into the lungs, resulting in pulmonary oedema. Would suggest why high blood pressure and cardiovascular...
...problems are big comorbidities: if your blood pressure is high to start with then you don't have much latitude to take the extra caused by covid.

Suggests vasodilators may help. Also hints at why women are doing better: oestrogen is a vasodilator.
As are many asthma drugs, especially LABAs like salmeterol.

So let's see: I'm on salmeterol and loads of oestrogen and, oh:
tl;dr: this probably explains why, if what I had last month was indeed covid 19, I had really, really mild symptoms.
Oh, and I'm O-

Which is nice
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