1. The phrase “Enjoy The Show” has lost its luster, am I right? We’ve repeated these words thousands of times. Literally.

Question: What did you think of the Israelites when you read about them in the Bible?
2. As a kid, I was like “They’re crazy! If God performed miracles like that for me, I would never doubt. That would be so cool! I’d never forget!”

As I grew up, I became obsessed with miracles. Read books on Angel encounters, miracles, etc.
3. I eventually became jealous of other people’s testimonies of supernatural God experiences.

Even as an adult, I would pray for a “personal” experience. I became dismayed and thought myself unworthy.
4. I’ve always been a very impatient person. I mean awful. I’m the one who cursed you out for driving slowly. (Sorry)

If I’m that awful with driving, imagine what I felt when I became red-pilled and came across QAnon.
5. I wanted justice and I wanted it yesterday! Still do.

This Q journey was God’s way of teaching me patience. It took quite a while.

Lord, thank you. It worked.

But I’ve still had that ‘Personal God Experience’ chip on my shoulder.
6. This leads me to the battle fatigue and panic/worry that I see from many battle weary Patriots.

Faith is an integral part of The Plan and a relationship with God.

The Deep State’s attempt to thwart this Plan fails. Every. Single. Time.
7. Every time the Dems pull one of their counter moves, it’s instinct to panic and worry!

It’s not happening! POTUS is in trouble! I was guilty of this.

Then God reminded me that this is His Plan. He’s got this. There has been nothing but winning.
8. THAT is when I started to appreciate and truly understand the term: “Enjoy The Show”. And I have.

I know without a doubt that everything’s going perfectly. We are spectators.
9. Remember those Israelites? God pointed something out to me.

That’s what we are doing every single time we doubt The Plan,POTUS’ safety, the Deep State’s counter moves, and so on.
10. I was an Israelite! The very ones I scoffed at as a child and as an adult!

God has given us Manna. We forgot and doubted. He’s given us water from rocks.

He is LITERALLY parting The Red Sea right now!
11. Think about that! Be in awe! Of His power and love for US!

He’s giving us miracles on a platter. The biggest miracle ever.

Saving humanity. Again.

Wow. Be in awe. Stop. Be still. Be in awe.

I’m bawling right now.
12. I had a dream last night. God gave ME. Little old me, a dream.

He slapped me with some truth. He’s been giving me what I wanted and yearned and prayed for all along.

My personal miracle. I get to be a part of The Plan. I’m assisting AND watching.
17. I’m watching miracles every day. Little ones that make a YUGE one.

He loves ME. To have me here, in this time and place. He wanted me here for this.

Not only do I get to witness the biggest miracle of all, He wants my help.
18. I’m a crying wreck.

Thank you God. I am in awe. I am so grateful.

This is everyone’s miracle too. Be honored.

Where have we heard “Be honored” before? Q. My God..AWE.

God wants you to “Enjoy The Show”. He’s instructed us to. Watch him do His thing.
19. Please share this with those that need to hear this. This is so important.

WWG1WGA ❤️❤️❤️
Please disregard the numbers. I was crying. 😁🤪
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