Why “Irene h*tes m*n but likes x” is problematic (also: Why we need to shut down the Irene h*tes m*n narrative)

Listen, you might think it’s some kinda compliment to Irene too that she’s the ‘standard’, but let’s break it down.

1) Why is it always Irene anyway?

Cos of the+
narrative that she h*tes m*n - which isn’t true. Sure it was a ‘joke’ among luvies, but it got blown way out of proportion. We left that sht ages ago precisely cos it’s not true and does more harm than good. The myth that she h*tes men has taken on a life of its own at this+
point. Ppl assume it to be fact.

See, it’s not even a fact. It’s an assumption that ppl make about her. The basis for all this is a bunch of assumptions, not fact. Not good, right?

2) What’s so wrong if we say “Irene h*tes m*n but likes X”? It doesn’t even attack her!

look at the end goal. Who is it meant to benefit? X. What does it say? ‘Irene has conferred her approval upon X! He must be good! Not like other m*n!’ What is Irene’s role? To be some kind of benchmark by which to judge m*n. To lend her approval. That’s all.

Our problem is+
what this kind of conversation reduces her to. Her validation is a trophy and that’s it. It might not attack her, but it doesn’t build her up either. It shows nothing of her character or agency. There are tons of things we need you to know about her, like her talents, singing,+
dancing, leadership, generosity, etc etc. Not this.

3) Consider this: Is it also not a disservice to your b*ys to be judged this way? They’re certainly more than their interactions with one (1) person. Whether she smiles at them or not, ‘likes’ them or not, that wouldn’t change+
your boys’ traits. They would still be the good and decent m*n you believe them to be if that’s who they are. Trust that.

4) Am I taking this too seriously? Maybe. Is it not that deep? Maybe. Do I care? No. It’s quarantine I have all the time to think about it.
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