What are the options for policy makers to lift the COVID-19 lockdown in Uganda and other nations?

Best Case Scenario: (Pending clinical trials)

1) A safe and effective Vaccine.

2) Effective Medication for COVID-19 patients.

@MinofHealthUG @JaneRuth_Aceng
Without a Vaccine/Treatment:

1) Ramped up testing to seek & isolate people before they become infectious.

2) Contact tracing/surveillance.

3) Shielding the high risk individuals.

4) Indefinite shutdown of international travel.

@MinofHealthUG @JaneRuth_Aceng
Options available to Uganda/limited resource nations:
A hybrid approach.

1) Limit imported cases via border control measures/mandatory 14 day quarantine.

2) Open certain sectors of the economy.

3) Make testing available (still a limitation)
@MinofHealthUG @JaneRuth_Aceng
4) Early Medical Care & isolation for individuals having COVID19 symptoms.

5) Public education messages e.g handwashing, hygiene.

6) Requiring wearing of face masks in public places & temp screening in the workplace.
@MinofHealthUG @JaneRuth_Aceng
7) Without online class option in Uganda there is a possibility of suspending 2020 school year until COVID19 Vaccine/treatment

The 1918 influenza pandemic occurred in 3 waves. March, August & most lethal wave in winter. COVID19 could get worse!
@JaneRuth_Aceng @JanetMuseveni
It’s unrealistic to lockdown nations indefinitely (until availability of a vaccine/treatment) since we lack the safety net and resources to feed and keep essential services running. Policy makers face tough decisions across the board & even more so in less developed nations.
The current lock down only offers policy makers the data to determine how widespread COVID19 was in their nations & establishing structures/guidelines to avoid further spread which could overwhelm healthcare services. But it won't eliminate COVID19 for good. @MinofHealthUG
Why fewer cases & COVID19 deaths in Uganda/Africa so far?
1) Younger population than Europe, United States & China. (average age in 30s)

2) Less International travel kept imported cases at a minimum.

3) Mandatory BCG Vaccine nations have registered fewer COVID19 deaths. (?)
The above factors if significant could help keep COVID19 mortality at a minimum if Uganda/African nations lift the lock down. If a large % people get infected & remain asymptomatic, that too creates the herd immunity needed to contain the pandemic. @MinofHealthUG @JaneRuth_Aceng
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