I will now start a 20 post thread about how I’m too cool to vote
I’m disappointed that my vague and contradictory ideas aren’t realized by any of the candidates
I was a fan of the most left of the candidates and I vociferously encouraged others to vote for him while I stayed home on Super Tuesday
You see, you cannot change a system from within. A system can only be changed by articulating a redundant philosophy on twitter
I'm not gonna go out there and burn down a Starbucks, but someone who is reading my firey dialogue will no doubt be inspired to act.
I mean, I hate the gov't but I want the gov't to pay for my healthcare and a living wage. After that, I'm going to burn down the gov't.
The system is intrinsically rigged against people like me, who have no idea how the system works
If we vote in the current system, we merely perpetuate the legitimacy of the current system. I mean, why should a majority get to decide anything when there's a group of incoherent people who are clearly right
The philosopher Vericus Schlong once said that any contribution he made to current system would be held against in by history, so he then joined a fringe group with no political influence so that he could be ridiculed by history
But at least he didn't drone anyone
I drive a 76 Ford Bronco but I'm very concerned about the environment, read my 33 post thread here:
We can't win with a middle of the road candidate like Bill Clinton!
What we need is a left candidate like Walter Mondale, or George McGovern
Obama wasn't left enough, all he did was form coalitions and win an election. That's not gonna cut it anymore!
Bernie was the compromise suckers! His healthcare plan may have been to the left of every country but Cuba, but I don't know that because I have no clue what his plan even said! Revolutions aren't made by reading!
I'd be out there with a vest on, but this damn pandemic, man, it's almost like it was planned!
I am running out of things to say to get to 20!
I mean, Biden's plan is basically a *real* medicare for all but I haven't read it, either
I like pizza
I hope you were inspired by this thread, and I hope you were motivated to do nothing, like me.
You can follow @warisill.
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