How to spot izingwenya zabafana 🚩

They don’t offer you food to eat or ask you if you are hungry?
They have a name for their squad or group.
They post OFTD on every SM platform... indoda that is very active nje on SM 🐊
They have female friends, like a lot of female friends, especially very handsy female friends.
“GPS me” king. Then screen shots every twar to discuss in their little boys whatsaap group.
Discuss or brags about their sexual encounters with their boys. The minute he has “smash” in his sentences RUN sis
Biza intombi ngeVrou RUN....
Anything go’s man, engakhuzeki, akana No (boundaries) especially to friends.
Very disrespectful towards people and only nice to you. Also doesn’t mind embarrassing a woman like making her the butt of a joke in front of his little friends.
Indoda ethanda ukuchoma 🚩🚩🚩🚩Believes in showing off his finances.
I was once great man. This is a guy that likes to talk about how big he was in the past, likes to name drop ALOT!!!! Even likes to show you whose no he has on his phone and proceed to call them to show you how important he is.
Likes to talk about appointment letters of a particular tender... “I am waiting for amapayment”🐊
Likes to post amaRazo. AmaRazo are men that have actually made it in life. Men that lay low but are really monied. So izingwenya will take pics with them so they can been seen to be ezintweni kanti they only get words of wisdom and are rarely included in any deals.
This is obvious...the “it’s complicated” 🐊 eyikugcina ingwenya le, Dec uzombona esembhesa 🤞🏾
I will call you back or ngiyeza man and makes an excuse as to why he didn’t 🚩 He was busy nabanye.
Every weekend “amajita” njalo nje.. kusuke kuyozingelwa.
Phone having a passcode is ok but a real ngwenya has another passcode for WhatsApp.
Always online and tweeting but doesn’t respond to your texts 🚩
Hamba nephone even to the toilet noma eyogeza 😒
They are the ones emcimbini taking IG stories or WhatsApp statuses of alcohol and who they are sitting with. They like to zoom in on a celebrity of well known person! Also does the outfit checks every time 🙄
They love all white parties and boat cruises in CPT. Ayisali iGucci
Higher grade 🐊. Banempatho laba, bayanakana kodwa ukhala uzithulise uma uzitshela ukuthi uzogudluza uMaam or you want to to act like a main. Shesha aphume kuwena once eseryt.
Last but not least. Odoti rubbish
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