To fall for someone and not even realize it is something crazy. Before my wife, i was letā€™s just say I was a fool. Not in a bad way, I was blind to a lot of things. Ignored signs all that crazy stuff but hey you live and learn..
We were legit best friends.. going and doing pretty much everything today. We stayed on the phone talking about the people we were talking to at the time. Basically venting.. thatā€™s all we really did at the gym fr fr. Shit she was the first person to actually come to the gym w/
Me fr fr. She kept up and all. First real friend I had a good lil min. If you know me, you know I dont fool with nobody fr and I had maybe one other friend at AUM at the time. I can genuinely say I didnā€™t notice her at first, but as I mentioned a lot go over my head unfortunately
If Iā€™m not interested, I wonā€™t pay too much attention to you, and at the time I didnā€™t pay too much attention to her because I was fooling with someone that wasnā€™t for me, but at the time I was blind and šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļø it was whatever it was.
The first time I did notice her was in the cafe though. I didnā€™t know much about wigs nor could I tell the visible difference between a wig and sew in šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļø so shit Iā€™m looking because we had just went to the gym and her hair was a different color so Iā€™m thinking damn she got her
Hair done quick af and itā€™s cute af. Had on some jeans and a shirt looking like a snack about to get snatched. So Iā€™m like um whatā€™s up with your hair, itā€™s different. She thought that shit was the funniest thing, but Iā€™m confused šŸ˜ so she hip me and we sit down and eat..
Mind you this wasnā€™t our first time on a lil date in the cafe lol but like I said I didnā€™t think anything of it, even when people use to ask if we were together ALL the time. This time in particular I was starring at her, I would assume the hair change threw me off lol
But anyways, we sitting, prob was supposed to be eating but wasnā€™t just talking and Iā€™m sure I was supposed to be listening but I was too busy staring at her.. fast forward to that night Iā€™m telling my older sister like maneeeee lol I wish this girl liked girls bc lol let me tell
You šŸ˜… but sike lol wasnā€™t the case so I was like alright Iā€™ll let it be. Plus I was in the mist of trying to be great and make shit work with someone I KNEW it wouldnā€™t work with.. So my birthday roll around and Iā€™m having this NOLA party or whatever so I invite her and her
friend. The entire way there we texting.. donā€™t text and drive yā€™all!! We would be a stops and stuff but Anyways, we just venting and stuff our normal. So we get to my momma house, chilling and playing games and man lol sheā€™s still beautiful lol smelling good out the shower
And all. But just minding my own of course. Because I refused to get caught up in confusion and we were legit best friends. So just go on our normal night. Boom next morning itā€™s like 8-9 on this trip somehow she ending up being my walking buddy because we all paired up..
But she wasnā€™t my original pick but it happened. Per usual we walking and talking.. eating together again lol. We ended up getting this nice ass hotel. We having fun, playing games.. out walking at the mall and all. Before we got to the mall.. I made this video..
Hehe hahah hoho if I could find another video I would lol
But she had changed twice lol the second outfit I was like
Told her she couldnā€™t go out into the world like that but šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļø lol who was I. Did it anyways but man lol talking about looking good as EVER!! We stuck together that entire night. Not on no relationship shit, but just best friends our normal. By this time I was just chilling
But still on that outfit lol bc I legit wasnā€™t having it, it was too grown for me. Fast forward to a couple weeks and at this point I was just like Iā€™ll let her be, to really save myself because straight women are the devil lol. Mind you, we still went to the gym.. I use to tell
Her about all the girls I was talking too.. nothing too deep but yeah. She had started doing my hair for me.. first person I let do my hair in years.. one day she doing my twist and sprayed me in the face with water.. and Iā€™m looking like..
Iā€™m confused af lol. I wasnā€™t talking shit no nothing just sprayed my ass. And Iā€™m like um wtf lol did I miss something.. that was her way of flirting and it went over my head of course lol. A lot did honestly.. so she force me to go to this make up event with her..
Knowing damn well the event didnā€™t have ANYTHING to do with me but claim I could help my future gf out even tho I strongly believe in normal beauty lol. I had JUST got my under cut and she was the first to know I think but we get to the event and she touching on my hair..
Like the back of my neck and Iā€™m like..
Do anybody else see this or lol we get in the cafe she telling the group of girls we were meeting as if itā€™s her hair cut lol. Next week or so, I planned a Christmas Eve party I think, of course her and some of our friends were there.. just chilling, eating and playing uno..
It hit one or so, Iā€™m sleepy af lol so itā€™s time for everybody to GO. So Iā€™m walking her and her friend at the time to the door.. like bye yā€™all lol
Sike. I thought! She was like nah you walking with us.. me? lol I guess. So I did that. By the time we get to her room I had to use the restroom and I wasnā€™t about to walk a mile back so Iā€™m like shoo lemme pee right quick them Iā€™m out.. couldnā€™t even dry my hands off
And she was in my face! Mind you, now looking back all the signs of her liking me were there but see, you have to tell me you like me because flirting goes over my head lol actions go over my head.. more so bc straight girls mean me no good lol theyā€™ll hit you with that
ā€œIf I liked girls Iā€™ll talk to youā€Moral of the story, I loved her before I knew it.. she was always there in my corner. No matter the time or place.. ready to fight a mf behind me. I couldnā€™t shake her šŸ˜­ so I married her šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļø
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