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Use soaps instead of hand sanitizers long time use of sanitizers leads to dry and cracked skin. The most common type of adverse health effects for both alcohol- and non-alcohol-based hand sanitizers were ocular irritation...
vomiting, conjunctivi- tis, oral irritation, cough, and abdomi- nal pain. Rare effects included coma, seizure, hypoglycemia, metabolic aci- dosis, and respiratory depression.
Here are five hidden dangers of hand sanitizer that you may not know about, but should...
1. Antibiotic Resistance

Antibiotics are effective against bacteria. But what happens if your body builds up resistance to antibiotics, and in turn promotes resistance to bacteria?

Triclosan contributes to making bacteria resistant to antibiotics. Using hand sanitizers may
actually lower your resistance to diseases by killing good bacteria, which helps protect against bad bacteria. 

In a 2011 study by the Epidemic Intelligence Service at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, researchers found that health care employees who were
most likely to use hand sanitizers over soap and water for routine hand washing were nearly six times more at risk for outbreaks of norovirus, which causes most cases of acute gastroenteritis. Overexposure to antibiotics or improper antibiotic use can lead to bacterial
resistance, making it more difficult or even impossible to treat.

2. Alcohol Poisoning

Just because it doesn't have triclosan, doesn't mean it's completely safe.

The active ingredient in some hand sanitizers is usually a type of alcohol that acts as an antimicrobial that
kills bacteria. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration and the Centers for Disease Control recommend ethyl alcohol, isopropyl alcohol, or a mix of both in a concentration of 60% to 95%. 

In March of 2012, six California teenagers were hospitalized with alcohol poisoning
from drinking hand sanitizer, making it the latest in a string of household products used to induce intoxication, ABC News reported. A few squirts of hand sanitizer could equal a couple of shots of hard liquor. 

And it's not just teenagers. Younger children have accidentally
ingested it in the past, according to the LA Times.

3. Hormone Disruption

Another effect of triclosan is hormone problems.

The FDA says research shows triclosan may lead to hormonal disruptions and cause bacteria to adapt to its antimicrobial properties, which creates more
antibiotic-resistant strains. Animal studies have shown that the compound could change the way hormones work in the body, raising concerns and warranting further investigation to better understand how they might affect humans.

4.Weaker Immune System

Studies have shown that
triclosan can also harm the immune system, which protects your body against disease. 

Researchers at the University of Michigan School of Public Health found that triclosan may negatively affect human immune function. Compromising the immune system can make people more
susceptible to allergies, and more vulnerable to the toxic chemical Bisphenol A, which is found in plastics. In the study, children and teens with higher levels of triclosan were more likely to be diagnosed with hay fever and other allergies.

5. Toxic Chemicals

If your hand
sanitizer is scented, then it's likely loaded with toxic chemicals. Companies aren't required to disclose the ingredients that make up their secret scents, and therefore generally are made from dozens of chemicals.

Synthetic fragrances contain phthalates, which are endocrine
disrupters that mimic hormones and could alter genital development. 

You should also look out for parabens, which are in many skincare products. They are used to preserve other ingredients and extend a product's shelf life.

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