Read this carefully.
Oh did I say former? There’s no such thing as a FORMER Russian intelligence officer.

So the source for MOST of the fake Trump/Russia info Steele & Simpson put in Fusion GPS’s dossier - which subsequently made its way into the @carterwpage warrant- is RUSSIAN INTELLIGENCE.
Simpson of Fusion GPS assessed this himself to Ohr, that the guy he and Steele were using for all the key Trump/Russia treason information in the dossier was a Russian intelligence officer.

Ponder, if you will, the full implications of that.
Ponder also the fact these 2 political operatives getting fake Trump/Russia info from a Russian intelligence officer are also

1) being paid by the Clinton campaign for this!


2) Steele was also being PAID BY THE FBI as a CHS to give them this same fake info!
What Herridge is doing is important, don’t get me wrong about that.

She’s giving the public a first hand look at documents the IG’s office SUMMARIZED in it’s earlier reports.

Casual news consumers are seeing this for the first time, the implications of it.
Not everybody is a political junkie or researcher like me.

They haven’t been following, cataloguing and researching SpyGate daily for 3 yrs.

It was revealed long ago that Simpson/Steele were very likely using Russian disinformation in their dossier.
So the FBI:

1) Hired Steele as a FBI CHS to use him as a source

2) Used Steele's Carter Page info - which was very likely Russian disinfo coming from a "former Russian intel officer - to get a FISA warrant

3) Fired Steele as a CHS immediately after said warrant was granted
4) The ENTIRE TIME Steele was working for them as a CHS & supplying them with key info they were using in FISA warrants, NOBODY at the FBI handling this read Steele's Delta file.

5) Only AFTER they'd fired Steele as a CHS did a Crossfire Hurricane team member take a look.
6) This means the entire time Steele was being paid to be a CHS for the FBI and the FBI was **aware** Steele was a paid political propagandist for the Clinton campaign, the agency was *unaware* Steele was also working for Russian oligarchs including Oleg Deripaska.
I couldn't write a farce this good.

For a time Steele was being paid by 3 different sources

1) the Clinton campaign
2) the FBI
3) Russian oligarchs

to **circulate Russian disinformation** to influence the 2016 election.
Remember when people like @DevinNunes were saying back in 2018 when people saw the evidence for what the **real** collusion was, it would blow them away?

We're almost there.
Now look again at the paragraph on this page above the footnotes where Stuart Evans says boy it sure would have been NICE to know that Steele was working for Deripaska also while we were using his info to get surveillance warrants.
This is the SAME Stuart Evans who got the runaround from SSA 1 when he had to ask this Crossfire Hurricane team member THREE TIMES if Steele was affiliated with any of the 2016 campaigns.

From the December 9 OIG report on FISA Abuse:
Evans learns on Oct. 11 that the guy the FBI is using as it's CHS to put this Carter Page Is A Russian Agent allegations in this FISA warrant is a paid oppo researcher for the Clinton campaign.

The CH team had successfully hidden this up to that point.
So Evans and the Office of Intel learn this on Oct. 11, that the CHS source for the key parts of the warrant is a paid Clinton flack.

The warrant is present to the FISC & approved on Oct. 21, if I recall correctly. That's 10 days later.
Somebody was so determined to ram this warrant through the process that even learning that the CHS being used for the key allegations was a POLITICAL OPERATIVE WORKING FOR THE OTHER CAMPAIGN IN THE ELECTION wasn't enough to stop this.
I think Evans saw the writing on the wall. The word had come down from the seventh floor: stay out of the way, let this through.

So even if they HAD known about Steele's employment by Deripaska, it wouldn't have mattered.
And as that last OIG report revealed, when Horowitz and his investigators reviewed 29 randomly selected FISA warrants, not one single warrant had followed the proper verification procedures.

4 of them didn't even have the required Woods file.
"The Office of the Inspector General (OIG) found errors in all 29 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrant applications that were subject to the review."

Gee, I wonder how that happened with Jumpin' James Comey and rat smile Andrew McCabe minding the store?
Let's be clear about what happened here.

The people running the FBI when all this was happening, where a large part of their JOB is to be ensuring all the laws and procedures are followed, were actively subverting the system for political ends.

They created a CULTURE.
This is WHY nobody took action to stop this travesty when it was discovered the Crossfire Hurricane team was literally using a paid political propagandist working for the Clinton campaign to get a spy warrant on the Trump campaign during the 2016 election.
Comey & McCabe created a culture at the FBI where even legally required procedures - like verifying all the material facts in a warrant & placing that info in the Woods file - were not being followed.
How many US citizens were victims of the same federal fraud that @carterwpage was subjected to?

How many Americans had fake warrants sworn out on them at the FISA Court that ended being granted and had their rights violated?
This could number in the thousands.

People keep thinking too small about the scope of the scandal.

They need to start thinking big.

The people who did this in the service of their political masters, this isn't just about putting THOSE particular asses in jail.
The SYSTEM must be destroyed. The asses are easily replaceable if the system is left in place by the time Trump leaves office.


It will help.

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