Has anyone made a lake zooplankton quarantine house challenge? Because, if not, I think I know what I'm doing this weekend. #ExtremelyNicheQuarantineHouses (Photo is an infected Ceriodaphnia)
To make it competitive, we'd have to split up the coolest ones: Daphnia (obvs), Leptodora, Holopedium, and Asplanchna (look at me being all diverse and including a rotifer; photo is an Asplanchna)
Then we'd have to put copepods in a house because some people like them. (Weirdos)
Not sure where to put Chaoborus. Do you want a ferocious predator in your quarantine house or not?!
We should also probably include Diaphanosoma. I think I want something that can do a mean iron cross in my house, right?
Here's a fun photo of Daphnia antennae, because I'm constitutionally unable to tweet about zooplankton without including a Daphnia photo. (All photos in this thread by me)
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