Fuck the Saitama fanboys and fuck their wank. Saitama weak asf and below even Boruto- A thread
Ok so lemme just quickly ask y'all Saitama fanboys of when Saitama's punch was as strong as the big bang? Or when was it stated he was a gag character? I'll tell y'all who don't know, it was NEVER said and complete BS made by Saitama fans. Him beating street level---
---characters doesn't somehow prove he can beat a universal one. That's like saying if Connor McGregor had a 100% win rate against children, that he would slap Superman, only because he one shot children. Y'all see the fucking issue with this?
As for the databook statement saying Boros is a star buster. It's incredibly inconsistent with the databook, anime and manga having different translations. So you would lowball for simplicity sakes also cause the original source material says the lowball. So planets---
---surface which is multi continental at best. So this would make Boros consistently Multi continental and same with Saitama
As for the "broke limiter" statement in the manga. All this means is that he has a new peak, which is infinite power. It doesn't mean he already got to the infinite power point, only that he can. Even if we said it meant infinite power, it would only be High universal---
---which for all the people saying Saitama beats Goku, is something Goku surpassed in the Cell saga.
Saitama jumped from the moon to earth in a couple of seconds. But even if we say it was 1 second, then that would still be barely FTL. Most Shounen had crossed that line ages ago
So basically, I need y'all to stop wanking Saitama, and if they do wank him, send them this thread.

Conclusion= Saitama is Multi continental and barely FTL CONSISTENTLY until FURTHER notice.

P.S: Saitam can be way stronger than this as he has never went 100%---
---but we can't quantify how much stronger his 100% is so that's why we use the feats as a range and estimate.
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