Grading students participation across 3 courses at 3 levels (1000, 4000, & grad seminar). Very few did "the minimum" that I asked of them. Am spending a lot of time reflecting upon what's reasonable in a pandemic. Frankly, this situation sucks. My solution: bonus marks for all.
I’m behind on everything, some assignments I can’t even bring myself to grade for no reason at all. Am hoping to grade all weekend so that students can make informed decisions about whether or not to do final assignments, but I have 2 kids at home & the situation ain’t pretty.
How can I expect more from them than I can even deliver myself? Some days are good, some days I cry four times. I presume they feel this way too, and throw in a little precarious employment, sick family members, existential dread, and productivity drastically decreases.
All I can say is that many things in my life have taught me I can’t control things beyond my own actions. This pandemic is giving us all an opportunity to practice patience, kindness, & gentleness in the face of adversity, including directing all of that towards ourselves.
How that translates into evaluating university-level work, I don’t know. I’m still working through this.
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