#WhyImNotVotingForJoe I am a millennial, Joe said he has no empathy for my generation. Joe’s Bankruptcy greatly harmed my generation with student loan we will not die with. I entered the workforce during the Great Recession. He was VP for 8 during the recovery period except
Millennials never recovered. He did nothing to help us and we sank into poverty. We have a second economic crisis now and the same thing will happen to the generation graduating now. He does not care about the youth of this country and I’m done seeing kids screwed over.
During a deadly pandemic this is the man that supported people going to the polls in Wisconsin risking their health and lives. This is the man that said he would veto #M4A during a pandemic. I am uninsured the ACA is no help to me. He and the establishment are already ignoring
the needs of the working class. No urgency at all as you all go bankrupt and join the millennials. It ain’t fun folks and he doesn’t care. I’m done with the establishment, it’s clear if we want to make change we have to do it ourselves. The progressive movement must continue on
And no I’m not compromising my foot is down. I know that will piss some of you off but when you have lost everything and don’t have a penny to your name it’s time to fight, not fall in line and compromise. Change doesn’t happen by falling in line. Trump didn’t destroy my life
It was destroyed before he took off and my life has stayed exactly the same. That shows you the system is very broken. You don’t want to join this party folks. What does this say about our democracy when my 2 choices are both rapists?? Seriously that’s not democracy.
I will not be shamed into voting for either rapist. It’s a no vote for both. I have morals and ethics and will never support a party that supports sexual assault. Don’t give me the BS Biden is better then Trump he’s not. They are very similar in many ways. His record is ugly.
This is the best we can do America? 2 rapists? You picked the wrong candidate Dems. If Trump gets re-elected that’s on you. I don’t want to hear any temper tantrums from centrists on here. Go help Joe earn people’s votes. If we get another 4 yrs of Trump we can still make change.
It’s not a one man show here. We can organize now, bring change to our communities, work with our local leaders. We are not helpless, we can bring change on our own. Btw putting your foot down gives you power and leverage. When you vote blue no matter who, Joe has no reason to
even try to earn your vote. The establishment won’t take your concerns seriously and put progressive policies in place, they know you will settle for any blue candidate. I’m not settling for these 2 awful candidates. No compromise from me. We all have power, use it.
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