You guys know what time it is??? It's time for educational thread rants with Qam. Today's topic: Pathological lying/liar.
What is pathological lying?

Pathological lying is a chronic behavior of compulsive or habitual lying. Technical term for pathological lying is mythomania and pseudologia fantastica.
All pathological liar has "trust issues", which is kind of ironic since they are the ones being dishonest. If you accuse them of being dishonest, they're going to shut down and run away. (Sounds familiar right?)
Pathological liars are amazing storytellers by the way. Most of the times, they make up stories to make their lives seem interesting and trust me, they can sound veryyyy convincing no matter how unbelievable that lie is.
Here's something that you should know about Pathological liars, they have a hard time sticking to one story due to the fact that they keep on forgetting the little details of their story. Sometimes their story changes depending on who they are telling it to.
i. White Lies("tipu sunat")
- Small fibs
- Harmless
- Without malicious intent
- Told to spare another’s feelings or avoid getting in trouble

Basically white lies are not suppose to hurt people in any way.
Example of White Lies:
- Saying you have a headache or your sick to avoid going out with friends.
- Pretending to not know about your friend's birthday so you can surprise them.
-Lying about leaving your "finished" hw/assignments at home (We've all done this once, right?)

ii. Pathological Lies.
- Told frequently and compulsively.
- Told for no good reason or gain.
- Continuous habit (Telling a continuous lie over a period of time.)
- Told to make the teller seem heroic or a victim to a certain situation.
Example of Pathological Lies.
- Creating a false history, such as saying they’ve achieved or experienced something they haven’t.
- Claiming to have illnesses that they don’t have (Physically or mentally)
- Forging/editing evidence to make it seem that they aren't lying.
Pathologically liars have the tendency to respond to any situation with a lie first. If you confront them about it, there's a high chance that they’ll deny lying.

They will also become enraged and pretend to express shock at the accusation. "Victim Mode" will be activated.
Answering @ShinJiAe23 :

"Pathological Lying" itself isn't a mental health condition. It is a more to a toxic trait. But, in some cases "Pathological Lying" can lead to Personality Disorder (which is a mental health condition) but this rarely happens.
Do Pathalogcal Liars feel guilt?

Rarely, why should they? To them, their words can't hurt people. Even after getting confronted, they would still tell the same lies and continue doing so without feeling guilty to the people they lied to.
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