I literally just take all the attractive looks of them to compose this fanart 😂😂
Interesting point: ten is not looking at Taeyong's body but eyes (I think of ty scratching ten's head and chin in bds era and ten look up when I draw his eyes here)
Story time: Taeyong is assassin/gangsta boss of a group and he got news that the rival group's boss gonna be in a bdsm club a certain day, so he disguised as a bdsm stripper to near the boss and this fanart is exactly the moment ty stripe his red coat for checkup
TEN is the rival boss and Johnny is his bodyguard, Mark is his strategic assistant
U see ten is very strict, looking up at ty, judging him, but actually he's SUPER DUPER aroused but keeping his straight face, mesmerised by try's beauty and dangerous aura. Because ten already been interested in ty for a while-
and had employed detective to check on ty already so he knows everything but still keeping it a secret and enjoying the view😚🌹💯
Johnny was very concerned about this stripper's seductive behaviour and attitude.
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