I had 2 whack dreams t’day.
Dream 1: i‘m trying to convince Quaid e Azam & Alllama Iqbal (in szabist boardroom) to not make islamic republic of Pak & they ask me why tf not & i panic & call this friend in isl to ask him to send me incriminating evidence on mullahs. 1/3
Dream 2: I’m back in school but for some reason all my uni folks are there too. And suddenly India attacks Pak through sea routes & i can see misslee flying and battle ships approaching 4rm class window. & then Mr Lobo is like v r under attack so school is cancelled, go home 2/3
but my dad’s still, well....not alive. So i’m like well, ain’t no1 gon come pick me up from school so might as well just go see the attack from the fronts. So i go there. It’s a park by the sea. (Like lakeview park) & Hareem & Ali r also sittin there doing their assignments. 3/3
I think India attacked Pak in dream 2 cus I couldn’t convince Jinnah & Iqbal in dream 1 to not make Pakistan. 💀
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