THREAD: As today is #HolySaturday, due to current global circumstances, I want to thematically cover less of Easter and instead talk about how the USA as it exists right now is the biblical Babylon, and what that means.
DISCLAIMER: This is not a fear mongering thread, I'm not saying we are being cosmically destroyed via disease, nor am I trying to make anyone sad or upset. Making these types of parallels relaxes me as I enjoy the spiritual insight and introspection.
However, if this type of content may be upsetting to you, please do not continue to read this thread as it may be deleterious to your mental health and I don't want anyone to be hurt by my spiritual discussions. Take care of yourself, you aren't obligated to keep reading! 💖
I have been posting "pandemic parable" threads periodically (to avoid upsetting people due to the nature of what we're all dealing with right now), and here is the excerpt (15/16) from Revelations I posted a few weeks ago:
Those excerpts are about the seven angels with the seven plagues, and how it vibes with both current pandemic parallels, recent earthquakes in the USA, and with lead-up events (large scale fires etc.) as well as now the volcano eruption yesterday.
(I already did a thread on that, which I can't seen to dig up at the moment, but it's buried somewhere on my page if you want to go read it.)
Later in Revelations, which essentially is about either "the end of the world" or "how all evil is purged and the world is purified and thus restored by God" depending on your world view, it discusses Babylon in more detail.
Now, what is Babylon? There is a good but highly simplified basic summary on this page:
But essentially, as we are focusing on Revelations and the language used there, Babylon is a prideful + defiant city, often personified as a woman (described as a mother of perceived moral evils) who is representative of the creation of collective, large scale, concentrated sin.
Famously, while the city is evil and promotes evil (primarily pride, cruelty, and greed), it is noted that those who are good who live in Babylon will be spared its inevitable collapse as God purges the Earth of evils.
This, to me, is comparable to the current state of the USA. The good citizens, those who yearn for better days for all those who suffer injustices and poverty, hunger and disease, oppression, etc. will struggle through the fall but will survive the collapse of the country.
The USA, emblematic of greed, pride, and cruelty, is a perfect Babylon. And with impending economic collapse, being severely hit not just by recent/current effects but by decades of stagnant wages, collapse of or lack of social care systems or networks, etc. it is weak.
And in weakness, the evils of Babylon and of its evil influenced citizens bring upon it God's wrath: Those who thrived by doing evil and upholding evil are purged as evil. The good citizens are delivered from the sinking of Babylon and are blessed for their good.
We see this all happen mostly in Rev 18-20, as pictured here:
The end of Revelations is the creation of a new heaven, a new Earth, a purification and unification of good, resulting in Eden restored.
So I think, instead of a typical Spring or Easter related spiritual thread, this year's #HolySaturday thread is all about the downfall of evil, the holding up of the good, and how late stage capitalism is literally an evil so great that God seeks to destroy.
(Also, late stage capitalism in and of itself is the most Babylon thing ever. Just saying.)
It seems like a relevant message for current times, at least, so I hope someone enjoyed this thread and that it wasn't too depressing for anyone to think about. I know it's hard to realise that Revelations is the best outcome we can hope for, lmao. 🙏
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