We've advanced enough to cut out the evolution through natural selection & competition among members of our species so that the fittest will survive.

We can & should all survive. That means everyone should get their universal basic needs fulfilled.
At this point, competition for the sake of survival of individual humans has to be abolished!

Competition now is for finding optimal strategies for problem-solving of a higher order: NOT basic survival;
Resilient health systems AND a responsive job market is the No.1 unmet & long ignored need that everyone can identity with right now, THAT is what needs solving through a fair competition between a large number of parallel strategies.
Govts. need to invest in Universal Basic Needs for all the citizens (rather that having them waste most of their waking life struggle just to survive), freeing them up to care about solving the more complex problems facing us, through learning, building, entrepreneurship
What it would look like:
Nations with monetary sovereignty can already wake up to this latent power, obscured by centuries of orthodox economic ideas, and invest their sovereign money for ensuring the Universal Basic Needs (UBN) of all citizens.

This isn't socialism/communism.
The markets remain fully free. Private players, competing fairly, with powerful referees having teeth to slap the cheating players, will fulfill all products & services through the supply-demand function, with citizen-consumers being totally free from manipulation (thx referees!)
A smaller subset of this market, consisting of the Universal Basic Needs products & services, is actually shaped by the democratic process, with the government acting as the consumer "representative", for modulating the supply-demand function for just those universal basic needs
And this UBN demand is still met by the free market, but it is more rigorously scrutinized, accelerated, optimized, by govt. investments of the reserves generated through monetary sovereignty.

Meaning, the primary role of the govt. becomes to ensure the UBN, and free citizens...
... to participate competitively in the free market for solving any and every problem they care about. This takes care of all education, job creation and problem-solving endeavors because the idea free market setup is the optimal strategy for ensuring that demand-supply is met
... I forgot to mention an important bit early on, the way to ensure that the citizen-consumers are not manipulated, is by abolishing advertising and marketing in its current form. Free unrestricted communication still occurs, of course, between all people: healthy conversations!
Universal Basic Needs can be more correctly called Universal Basic Survival,
because it's about the democratically elected Govt. providing that basic "energy" to ALL the citizen-consumers so that everyone gets to live freely WITHOUT the worry of how to survive.
A quick, simple, diagrammatic representation for the new structure envisioned in the above thread
This thread was mentioned in-context on another thread about a Third Row Tesla Podcast episode with Elon Musk, since it is inspired by ideas about free market economy given by him (and many other ideas elsewhere). Read up & down that thread for more info. https://twitter.com/learning20201/status/1248922531001556992
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