Way to deal reduce stress
try talking about your feelings sharing your problem with others can help reduce any stress your feeling

try to talk to a friend, family member or a mental health professional

and remember you can always talk to me as a friend!
Use calming breathing exercises

just taking a minute to breathe can really help

some apps i recommend that have helped with my anxiety personally and i have used in school are - headspace and calm
Being active and exercising can help reduce some of the stress you may be feeling

although we’re all kinda stuck inside because of coronavirus
just remember that there are plenty of exercises you can do from home without any equipment
& you always walk around your garden etc
try to stay positive

although some of your days might not be too great, try to think of three things that went well or that you’re greatful for!
try to balance out your responsibilities with activities you enjoy

doing work all day isn’t going to help your mental health and your stress levels but you also need to do the work
so a balance is important!
try to get a proper night sleep
you should be aiming for about 8 hours of sleep a night
eat healthy foods!
what you eat affects your -
and stress levels
try to manage your time and responsibilities
having things like a schedule can really help so you keep on top of things

if you end up do a pile of work at the last minute it’s most likely going to stress you out
Sources i used for this thread!

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