I’m really tired of listening to whining people who say things like ‘but I’m sitting alone on a park bench’ or ‘but it’s just me lying on the grass by myself’

So I want to examine something vital to our ability to overcome this crisis, of which social distancing, forms a part 1/
The idea of modelling behaviour is a quaint one. For the last 40 years, retailers have used ‘lifestyle identification’ as a way to get consumers to ’sell’ products and services to each other. It’s been extremely effective. We desire what we see: envy is a great motivator. 2/
Here’s the problem: when other people see YOU sitting on a park bench, or lying in the grass, or doing yoga in a public space in the sunshine there are two things going on: you are pleasuring yourself, and you are displaying your pleasure to others. Which incites envy 3/
So, while just you sitting on a park bench or doing yoga in the sun seems safe: you need to understand how you are seen by others. They think: hey, I want to sit on a park bench or do yoga in the sunshine too. Then you’ve suddenly got a crowd all wanting to do like you. 4/
Being a good citizen isn’t just about YOU DOING THE RIGHT THING. It’s about you BEING SEEN TO DO THE RIGHT THING (or not being seen doing the wrong thing). This is a kindness: to not incite the envy of others, or encourage, through your actions, their breaking rules too 5/
It’s incumbent upon each of us to make this period of lack of freedom easier not just for ourselves, but for others, by not engendering longing or desire for what is not allowed at the moment.

We ARE our brothers and sisters keepers. How we are seen to act matters. 6/
So please… don’t just think about what YOU want. Think about how you affect what others want.

Be kind. Make it easier for everyone. We’ll get through this faster and more united if we all sacrifice for each other. Not just ourselves.

*end rant* 7/
Oh, and believe me when I say that, this is an extreme philosophical departure for me. I come from a tradition of valourising individual desire in a big, fat way.

And when I can be sure my pleasure isn’t going to risk another person’s life, I’ll go back to that.
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