gonna keep a thread of bad rona takes that I notice on repeat rotation.
1. The US/UK have been “hard hit by the virus” rather than “spectacularly badly managed by terrible and racist men who hate public health care, manual workers, all poor people”.
2. “the virus has exposed” deeply dysfunctional and unequal societies, rather than “the middle/journalistic class are noticing” structural oppression, some for the very first time, some at a level other than superficial. You know who could see these inequalities all along?
3. rich white males “discovering” the most basic - and I mean bay-sik - tenets of capitalism like James Cook “discovered” the great south land.
4. the fucking laughable claim the politicians are depoliticised by “the virus”. Politicians do not shed the ideological skin that led them to pursue a political career. For every policy setting there is an alternative approach, not being taken, for ideological reasons.
5. There is a new/resurgent appreciation of the fact that the most valuable workers are poorly remunerated and the most highly remunerated employees/executives are not socially useful. Really? Pay nurses, teachers and childcare workers executive salaries then.
6. Landlords are the real victims. Lol, no. They own publicly-subsidised investment property on stolen land. The fear is that they will be forced to sell and property values will collapse. Yeah, well. Investment theory relies on reward for risk instead of for effort, remember?
7. every #NotAllBosses take. If it’s not about you, it’s not about you. Workers are allowed to share experiences and frustrations. The boss-worker relation is structurally unequal, because capitalism.
8. Science/experts are impartial and apolitical. Nope. For a start, white male voices dominate policy backrooms and the airwaves on public health same as they do on everything else. And medical science has a long history of racist, ableist, homophobic misogyny.
9. here’s one I prepared earlier on two bullshit lines that drive me absolutely round the twist, that we are all in this together”, and that the federal government’s priority is to “keep Australians safe”. No we’re not, and no it isn’t. https://twitter.com/imusing/status/1248229582014017536?s=21
anyway. I am still very very grateful for solidarity from twitter folks and extra appreciative during these trying times. Will add to thread as I notice more recurring tropes🙃💕
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