Cigarettes cost $.33, "doctors" advertised them on TV, and everybody smoked.

Your turn
#BackInMyDay we had one phone per house. Black, rotary dial, short cord, in the living room.
#BackInMyDay the color tv was connected to the stereo but you could only watch it when company was over because it was a big piece of furniture in the living room.
#BackInMyDay everybody's grandmother had ribbon candy in a green dish.
#BackInMyDay, your first color TV was a sheet of plastic.
#BackInMyDay we only took pictures on special occasions, and might not see them until months later.
#BackInMyDay salesmen went door to door, even in black neighborhoods.
#BackInMyDay we could go outside.
#BackInMyDay Sears was our Amazon. They had everything.
#BackInMyDay pregnant women ate Argo starch.
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