When this is all over and life returns to some semblance of normality we mustn't let this experience allow the way we see society and people the same. The frontline comes in different forms when it comes to protecting and supporting people against #coronavirus #UnsungHeroes They
are often the easiest to criticise too. Let's change that 🤞
So, here are just a few examples of that visible and sometimes invisible frontline:
Our amazing social workers who continue to care for children, vulnerable adults and the elderly 🙌 #saythanks #UnsungHeroes
Our amazing carers and care home staff 🙌
#saythanks #UnsungHeroes
Our fantastic staff who are having to home work and who are often forgotten contacting 1000s of vulnerable people to make sure they are ok and get at least some human interaction as many won't 🙌 #saythanks #UnsungHeroes
Our stoic street cleaners and refuse collectors helping to keep our communities clean and reduce further risk to public health
🙌 #saythanks #UnsungHeroes
Our communications, IT, procurement and support colleagues who ensure we get important out to people, keep the frontline kitted out with PPE and ensure the IT keeps working.
🙌 #saythanks #UnsungHeroes
To every other proud local authority worker or support service. I say 👇
#saythanks #UnsungHeroes
Last but by no means least our dedicated teachers and support staff 🙌 #saythanks #UnsungHeroes
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