Hmmm. I think the Soviets might be planning something... 🤔
This is going to come down to how many Soviet army's I can trap in my Kola offensive I think, before swinging south. It's the only place I'm attacking. Have YOLOd my paras into Murmansk to cut off their supply lines.
Sort of working. They're already trying to redeploy from the southern front. Hold the line lads! Hooooooold!

(Helps I broke their codes)
Always liked the Estonians. Lovely bunch of people. 🇪🇪🇪🇪

(h/t to Germany for the Panzer IIIs. Cheers guys. 👍 )
Things have quietened down on the Mannerheim line. Question now is do I gamble, and pull units away from it to try and reinforce the centre?
These are the key battles I think. Northern Soviet army has realised it's being encircled, and I hold Murmansk. Cut this land bridge off and that's a LOT of men holed in in the Kola peninsular.

Gonna come down to the Finnish 1st Armoured again I think. Make this pocket and we've got a chance!

Sov's are trying to relieve the Kola Pocket. I think we YOLO on the infantry divs holding on the coast and try for a double pocket by swinging the 1st Armoured round.

Most of their own armour is in the Kola pocket anyway and they've got no fuel there now
Right. Quick break to mow the lawn. Bet Mannerheim didn't have that problem.

The situation down south. They're pushing the pocket, but that means 15 Soviet divisions are vulnerable!

Gonna come down to the 1st Armoured. C'mon the Panzer IIIs!
Meanwhile down waaaaay south.
Right. Time to step up Sweden. You know what's right...
Back up north, we've got 23 Soviet divisions trapped in the Kola pocket.

Time to close it out. We need 4th Army down south ASAP. They'll be transferring troops from Siberia now. Guarantee it.
Sorry well it's better than a punch in the face, I suppose. Mind you they're probably selling the Soviets steel at the same time. Beause Sweden.

Manpower boost is welcome though!
Unlike the Estonians. Who are doing God's (secret) work for us again.
The pocket is closing. Meanwhile down south the Finnish 1st Armoured are desperately trying to break through and pocket the relief force.

C'mon 1st Armoured!
RIP the Kola Pocket! Head south 4th Army! Head south! 1st Armoured need your help!
This is pretty knife-edge. That's 15 more Soviet divisions we could encircle, if 1st Armoured can reach the coast, but they're trying desperately to prevent it.

You can just see 4th Army starting to come down from the North.
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