LRT: for what it's worth, I have a job I can 100% do from home and have no children or seniors in my household I need to take care of. Yet I've had essentially 0 productivity the last 2.5 weeks and lost hours most days to literally being unable to do anything at all.
I've been struggling with depression my entire adult life and was guilt-tripping myself over this right to the point where I felt a major episode coming on, which was finally enough for me to pull the emergency brake and ask for a few days off.
Not sure what this has done for my productivity (and honestly, don't care right now) but those last 2 days off (and getting myself to accept that it's OK to not be able to function well right now) have helped a lot to get my mood stabilized at least, which was the point.
My point being:
1. I'm thankful (and privileged) to have a job where my boss and coworkers will give me the time and space to deal with that shit, no questions asked
2. if you are in the same position and you need the same, be kind to yourself, take it
3. if your coworkers are having a hard time right now, even if it's not obvious to you why, please be considerate and give them the space if possible
4. everyone, can we agree to not cause each other unnecessary stress right now
5. even if you subscribe to the cult of productivity above all else (and you might want to re-examine that), this is a marathon not a sprint; you can't expend more energy than you can replenish week-after-week for a long time
6. and yes I'm very well aware that most people don't have the option to take time off when they fell themselves coming apart at the seems, and I think that sucks. it definitely doesn't mean you have to run yourself into the ground too just because others don't get to choose.
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