And that's a wrap on Resident Evil 3. Quick likes/dislikes.
+ Jill is a babe and bestgirl. Carlos is great too. Really liked the new design and framing of these characters.
+ Gorgeous presentation. Engine and art are sublime.
+ Nemesis forms and fights mostly really great.
+ Occasional hints of Resident Evil 2 remake-like brilliance in level design and pacing.
+ Great to see Resident Evil 3 given another outing with modern production standards, especially as a narrative companion to the Resident Evil 2 remake.
- Strictly linear level design with minimal puzzling in pathfinding is unstimulating and dull.
- Aggressive combat focus is offset by unimaginative, telegraphed encounters and weak, cheap feeling gunplay.
- Nemesis integration is scripted fights and surprisingly unimaginative.
Summary: Gorgeous, modernised presentation of RE3 that leans heavily on just that to elevate otherwise dull, repetitive, and uninventive gameplay that downplays RE2make's strengths while emphasising its weaknesses. Serviceable to fandom but unfortunately unremarkable slog.
Core disappointments: Not reimagining RE3 with as much care or creativity as RE2make in providing a more action heavy but fleshed out, stimulating experience in the level design and encounters. It's very by-the-book shooter pacing and design, and Nemesis is just scripted fights.
Core values: It feels very much like a decent expansion pack or complimentary piece to RE2make. Even if it's pretty dull and uninspired in play I'm still glad it exists. It's gorgeous and it tells a nice companion story while reintroducing Jill and Carlos to modern Resident Evil.
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