isolation must be going terribly because i have agreed to let my boyfriend show me the lord of the rings films
we tried this once before many years ago and got half an hour into the first one before he cracked the shits because i wasn't paying enough attention or laughing at anything the hobbits said
the main reason i am willing to watch them now is i once titled a conference paper "second brexit" and @imo_weg thought it blasphemous to use a cultural reference without having seen the culture
my first thought when the narrator opens with "feel it in the water":
oof not excited about this run time
I'm enjoying seeing the scenes I have only ever seen as memes in their original form
when fellowship of the ring came out in 2001, dolly magazine lead me to believe that orlando bloom and elijah wood should be the objects of my affection; as an adult, i now see that viggo mortensen is the true thirst trap
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