I say this as someone who used to shame and lecture people for refusing to vote for the “lesser of two evils”: fuck those people, the system is irreparably broken, voting for president should not be the fucking trolley problem
I had to see the phrase “I’m voting for the less-rapey rapist” today and I wish there was anything left inside of me for that to have broken
Like, using the libs’ own arguments: the most important thing to do is get the fascists out of power. Follow this through. Best case, we get four years of tepid centrism that improves nothing for anybody and leads us right back to the next, worse Trump
Every election is always going to be “too important to talk about THAT” right now. It will always be “hey, I agree, but there’s just too much at stake this time!”
It will never not be “this time”
“Oh so you want Trump to win again” no dipshit I want there to not be a president
This entire system is busted. Don’t let them tell you “we can talk about that AFTER we get rid of Trump!” because you and I both know that as soon as Trump is out of office, they’re going back to brunch
You won’t hear from them again until four years from now, when it’s the MOST IMPORTANT ELECTION OF OUR LIFETIMES, and maybe after THAT one we can maybe think about reform perhaps (we won’t)
Thanks for listening to me shout, void. This shit is exhausting. Everything is exhausting. What a stupid, petty world we live in
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