Basically throughout history Jews have been seen as the Nerd Tabel & it is basically us just being quirky & beautiful & interesting & thoughtful & intelligent & refusing to believe we aren’t cool & refusing to act & dress according to the definition of cool in that place & time.
And some of y’all laugh and point and whisper and some of you push us against lockers and others of you beat the sht out of us and some of you only let us walk around if we agree to humiliate ourselves & call you our masters & some of you ban us from places & some of you kill us.
And after a while u see hey the Jews r still doing their thing anyway they r still at that Nerd Table still quirky & beautiful & intelligent & HAPPY & that REALLY pisses u off because we still have our own cool. And that‘s when u get triggered & ur sht culminates to pure evil.
And it reaches tragic&traumatic&horrifying levels & we suffer boy we do & carry the sht around in our backpacks & when its over we eat it for lunch & sit there eating & laughing, our hearts on the table & it starts again because u can’t take that our hearts r still on the table.
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