Listen to Tool's Lateralus.
Now, listen to it again. This time with lyrics.
Now put into context with Q drop 3929. Q is telling us to be cautious in our interpretations of the Q posts. There is a lot of speculation from most everyone. We see patterns and make connections, then draw conclusions.
Those conclusions and speculations are then presented on various social media platforms for ALL to see. Some are pretty far out there. Some are date specific, which have been proven to give false hope. Which is dangerous to the movement and gives [them] more ammo to expend.
In my humble opinion, I think Q is referring to the theory that there is a war to save the children from D.U.M.B.s and tunnels. This has been pushed hard, recently, most likely due to the increase in seismic activity in certain locations that coincide with a certain map.
As with any story, I feel there is some truth behind the theory. I think that there are women and children that are being saved from human trafficking. Putting on my logical thinking cap, I believe that is a side effect of waging all out war on the drug cartels.
One of the main sources of income for the cartels is human trafficking and slavery. As we take down the cartels we will be simultaneously saving the women and children that they have locked up. The USNS Mercy and USNS Comfort could be used to bring these victims for treatment.
Our hospitals would not be great places to bring these people as their immune systems will be compromised from malnutrition, poor living conditions, and poor medical treatment. Some will also be very young. Which may explain the playpens in the Texas field hospital.
Now I digress. Where the song fits in is I think it could help realign some thinking and bring some people back to logical thinking and less speculation. Look at the evidence and facts presented. Be careful what you FEEL, and try to present your findings in a literal manner.
On to the lyrical analysis:

"Black then white are all I see in my infancy"

This first lyric points to the time pre Q. We saw in black and white. We were monochromatic. We only saw the world through the MSM lens that was given to us. All media is controlled by 5 entities.
"Red and yellow then came to be, reaching out to me, lets me see."

Then came Q, reaching out to us to help us see what was really going on in our world. We started to see in color. Wikileaks and Q, red and yellow. Now we can see almost the full spectrum...or so we think.
"As below, so above and beyond,
I imagine, drawn beyond the lines of reason. Push the envelope. Watch it bend."
"Over-thinking, over-analyzing separates the body from the mind.
Withering my intuition, missing opportunities and I must
Feed my will to feel my moment drawing way outside the lines."
This section gets deep in the co text of the Q post. This is where we stray away from logical thinking and go towards fantasy. We find all kinds of circumstantial evidence, pieces to the puzzle. We let our imaginations take over and really push the envelope of reality.
Humans are designed to find patterns, its how we are wired. We see these patterns and make connections. Sometimes those connections are incorrect. Sometimes they really are just coincidences.

The anons have been working feverishly for 3 1/2 years straight. We are fatigued.
Overthinking and overanalyzing are bound to happen. I mean, we follow the Q posts, Trump's tweets, the MSM, eachother, we dive down rabbit holes, we try to redpill as many people as we can. Hell yeah we overthink and overanalyze! We are constantly going in a million directions!
We try to pay attention to every single small detail right down to a missing letter in a tweet from Trump and connect it with other missing letters from previous tweets to try to decipher a message that may not actually be there! But its what we do.
I think what Q is getting at is that maybe we should sit on those analyses and wait for them to come to fruition before throwing them out on Twitter in a long assed thread or on a YouTube video for the world to see. Including [them]!
As the Q team is trying to get them to expend all their ammo, the anons are, inadvertently, replenishing their supply!! Potentially extending the timeline!
There is so much more to find in these lyrics that relates directly to our current situation and this particular Q post. Read through the reat of the lyrics and think how they relate. I could write another 100 tweets in this thread. I just may. You never know.
I think it is a worthwhile endeavor, if people are listening. I may have just thrown this out in the wind and wasted 2 hours. Who knows.🤷‍♂️ If my efforts help just one person, it was worth it.

Please like and share. Get eyes on this. It may help, it may not.
We won't know unless people see it.

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