What I truly believe. As a person and a soul.
God and the universe have shown me things since I found myself 11 years ago. That’s when my spiritual journey started. I realized something about myself.
I found God within myself. Yes, we are all one with God, but if you believed that then who are you?
This is what I found out about myself. I realized I captured my soul in a photo. At the time I didn’t think anything of the photo, until a year later when I read about the Phoenix of Aquarius, and realized that’s what I was through this picture. This is me at 18.
What I mean by looking isn’t the same as seeing, is that picture.
What you’re actually seeing, is the soul of a Phoenix resting on my face.
In that moment of awareness, I transcended this perception of reality.
This is the shadow of God.
I’m experiencing oneness with God all the time. That’s unfathomable.
This is what Rumi means when he says “I am in you and I am you. No one can understand this until he has lost his mind.” Because God absorbs you. God becomes you.
This is what my experience with God and the universe is like. Somewhere along the lines of choosing what I wanted to be before any of this began, I asked to be this, and the universe gave it me. And a big part of knowing myself is why.
I can only be what I am if my intent is pure. That’s also what I realized, the universe and God saw a purity in me that I didn’t know I even had. There’s so much power in that. When you actually decide to step in it.
I found this out at 19, and now I’m 30. I’ve been living in that reality for 11 years now.
It’s a reality of deeply knowing yourself. Knowing God and the mysteries of God.
God writes spiritual mysteries on our hearts, where they wait silently for discovery.

~ Rumi
The mystery I’ve found in myself is that I mirror the face of God. This is what Rumi is talking about in his poetry. All through it, he’s describing the essence of God.
That’s what Rumi means when he says “don’t look for me in human shape. I am in your looking.” Because God is in your eyes. And that’s where I found God in myself at.
Study me as much as you like, you will not know me, for I differ in a hundred ways from what you see me to be. Put yourself behind my eyes and see me as I see myself, for I have chosen to dwell in a place you cannot see.

~ Rumi
This thread is where I’m gonna speak of this aspect of myself at for now on.
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