“I’m more lockdowny than you“ Twitter is getting a bit tiresome. We have clear evidence that what we’re doing is working. We need to keep at it but newsflash : people are different. Some will respond to fear, some will respond to encouragement that they’re on the right track.
There are five million people in this country. There are at best a couple of thousand parks and green areas so when you take a photograph of a green with 17 or 18 people exercising in it that’s not a sign of moral decay it’s the maths of a lot of people using a small number of
Parks in a limited amount of daylight. If they’re keeping well away from one another (and having had a run every day this week in a Dublin suburb I’ve only once seen people not do that) then that’s absolutely fine.
People might need to check their privilege a bit as well. Not everyone has a back garden for their children to play in, not everyone has a big deep freeze to do one shop a fortnight. Responsible people will run out of mild and bread every now and then! If you take a photograph of
10 cars at a traffic light in a city, again that’s probably not moral decay but a small number of people going to and from work or shop in cities that have been questionably planned with poor transport links. We’re doing brilliantly in Ireland but for the love of God folks go
Easy on one another. It’s hard enough as it is. Yes there’s a very small number of people who are bad or stupid enough to act the maggot at this time and we’ve ALL met them but that number is really miniscule! Keep it up Ireland you’re doing brilliantly.
You can follow @Antcon7062.
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