I really enjoyed the latest episode of @TShootingAgile, especially the point @Jtf made near the end. He said he missed his 11:00 coffee runs (I miss them too) because they’d often inspire conversation between people who might not otherwise talk too often. (My words.)
Jeff pointed out that it’s incredibly difficult to have multiple conversations going on at once in a video conference, and breaking apart is artificial and removes any chance of crosstalk. I’ve been experiencing the same problem and I really dislike it.
We’re very good at making little circles, as humans. Conversations start between two people, and the groups grow or shrink as necessary. Especially over beverages. Space matters a lot. A big group will naturally split, because of space constraints.
I’d love to find a solution for this that works in the virtual world, not just the real one. I miss my serendipitous conversations.

If any of you know how to do this, please, share!
You can follow @SamirTalwar.
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