Jenrick is a good example of a few recent angsty reactions to media: some journos sensationalise / sex up story; people focus on that; more information comes out and confirms wrongdoing but by that time it’s too late and people have made some sweeping statements about “the press”
A few potential mechanisms: the initial sexed up story galvanises extra scrutiny; or journos are often aware of facts they cannot report for several different reasons so sex something up; or perhaps it takes time for information to turn into full picture - they simply don’t wait.
In the event of any of those - those specific journalists should be called out for a sensationalist bias. Talking about “the press” is as silly as talking about another other profession as a homogenous blob. I think its dangerous to sow distrust in the press a la Corbyn or Trump.
There is a difference between “this journalist has got it wrong, that’s a misquote, that’s sensationalist” and “the press are evil” - as with everything, we should be hard pushed to assume ill motive and be granular when talking about groups and that conflicts with the latter.
Should be clear from this thread I’m not seeking to condone this kind of behevaiour, it *should* be condemned, but it’s much more complicated than the populist rage against the media.
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