Biden supporters really are winning hearts and minds with their "vote for our rapist" strategy. Really paying off, you can tell it's creating a wave of enthusiasm not seen since 1793.
I mean, it's pretty brave to call sexual assault survivors fascists and equivalent to maggots for not wanting to vote for a rapist. Biden supporters know they can't let sentimentality get in the way of suffering a massive defeat at the polls.
Similarly, biden supporters show true faith when telling people whose families biden's policies locked in cages over the past few decades, that he will stop locking kids in cages. It's a true test of faith to believe in spite of evidence.
Maybe the most brave thing biden supporters are doing, is giving people hope in an America where the senile rapist in charge at least appears to on your side if you squint a bit. Most people would think it's too risky, but not them.
Think about it. Every day biden supporters wake up in a pandemic disproportionately affecting Black americans and say "our guy, with 30+ years of racist policies, won't be racist this time"
Every day, biden supporters wake up, in the face of a raging pandemic, and have the courage to say "the guy who spent decades trying to cut social safety nets is going to make this situation better"
Every day, biden supporters wake up and go, "the guy who wrote the PATRIOT act in 1994 is not going to abuse our constitutional rights"
That's true bravery, braver than any marine. Most people would shudder at that level of risk, that degree of completely unfounded hope based on absolutely no evidence and almost certainly doomed to fail catastrophically. But not biden supporters.
Biden supporters will dig down into wells of resolve they didn't know they had, and find the spiritual strength needed to put another senile rapist with decades of racist and shitty policies in power.

They do this, not out of love for senile rapists, but unwavering faith.
They have faith that, even though it literally has never happened before, a shitty man will become less shitty after becoming the most powerful man on earth.
That is faith sufficient to either move mountains or suffer a catastrophic defeat backfiring each and every one of their hopes for decades or even generations to come.
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