I like to think that Alien and Blade Runner exist in the same universe. Ridley Scott seems to think so. Is that controversial or are most fans on board with that theory?
Of course it introduces all sorts of complications. Blade Runner 2049 contains technology that seems so much more advanced than that of the Alien quadrilogy’s. But then again, Prometheus and Covenant are already guilty of this, so I guess it’s not a problem?
There’s also the fact that Alien and Predator **apparently** take place in the same universe (but, ironically, the AVP movies don’t). But Predator 2 contradicts Covenant by having an Alien skull pop up, when Covenant showed the origin of the Alien occurring later in the timeline.
But Alien-prequel/Predator inconsistencies aside, the Predator franchise does not line up with Blade Runner in the slightest. The Predator takes place in real life 2018, but Blade Runner takes place in a unrecognizable dystopian 2019.
So it comes down to a pick-and-choose between which franchises you think should be connected to Alien — or which specific movies (Predator and Predators manage to fit snuggly into the Alien/Blade Runner timeline).
And let’s not forget the oft, well, forgotten “sequel” to Blade Runner, Soldier. An absolute pant-piss of a movie (watch it, you’ll see) but apparently was written with the mindset that it was taking place in Blade Runner’s universe. Cool concept tho & people seem to accept it.
While it’s obvious that Blade Runner and Alien will never overtly cross over, Ridley Scott has been busy with Easter eggs. Alien’s Mr. Weyland knew BR’s Mr. Tyrell. Alien’s Dallas apparently worked for Tyrell Corp. The 2 series also have a lot in common in terms of philosophy.
I’ve come this far, I may as well share my own makeshift hole-ridden timeline:
Blade Runner(2019)
Blade Runner 2049
Alien: Isolation(2139)
Alien: Resurrection(2379)
Tbf, Predator and Soldier are only included bc, in Predator’s case I want it there, & in Solider’s case I find the concept too interesting. BR and Alien are the only things here that really compliment each other on a thematic level.

Alien Resurrection is also very terrible.
I really don’t know where I was going with this. Just wanted to get out this completely useless but fascinating (r-right??) information bc I’ve been thinking wayyy too much about this. Gosh, I hope someone reads this thread.
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